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How to change the system locale settings in Windows 10

  195549 Tuesday, December 26, 2017

1. Introduction
2. Steps to change System settings in Windows 10 Using Control Panel
3. Read also


The operating system locale allows you to use the language specified for non-Unicode programs. If your Windows 10 system uses a default English locale, Japanese text in a game will not display correctly. In this tutorial, we will show you how to change the system locale in Windows 10, using Control Panel or Command Prompt.

Note: You must log on to Windows 10 as an administrator to set another system language. Changing the system locale does not affect the language in menus and dialogs for Windows or other programs that use Unicode.

Recommended for you: Change the language of Windows 7

Steps to Change System Settings in Windows 10 Using Control Panel

1. Open the Control Panel by clicking on the Start Menu >> Windows System >> Control Panel.


2. Click on Clock, language and region

3. Next, click on Region.


4. In the Region dialog box that opens, select the Administrative tab, and then click Change system locale.


5. Select the desired language from the Current System Settings drop-down list, and then click OK.


6. Restart your computer for the changes to take effect.


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How to use OneDrive On-Demand Files on Windows 10

Create a Windows 10 user account without the use of a Microsoft account